About Me

spring (18)

Welcome to Gluten Free Mom To Be!

Gluten Free Mom To Be was born soon after my first little girl when I realized that this world just wasn’t quite ready to help the expecting gluten free mommy. After a few years of being gluten free, I’ve realized that living this life is about so much more than just the food. Making this huge change is about living your life in the safest and most enjoyable gluten free way possible. For too many years, everyday was a challenge for me not a fun adventure like life should be, but thanks to going gluten free I’ve found my true happiness. Through it all what I’ve learned is my dark time of gluten living and my early days of my gluten free life were just chapters in my story, now going on six years later I’ve got so much more to tell. I’m Lindsay, a gluten free wife, mommy to two adorable little girls, and blogger here to share with all of you the way I live my life, the gluten free way.

Want to hear a little more about my story? 

First came the gluten years. My trouble really started many moons ago when I was young but came to a head when I should’ve been in my prime. My gluten disease reared its ugliest form while I was in school. Some days I struggled to just get out of bed because the pain was so bad but even with all of that I managed to graduate with a Bachelors in biochemistry and biological sciences and then start my next adventure in grad school.

Then came marriage and my new gluten free life. As fate would have it I met my person, the love of my life, and really my soul mate (yes I believe in those) just days before moving a couple states away for grad school. Finding love changed my world but unfortunately the gluten disease didn’t care and kept taking more and more of my happiness. Life was harder than anyone could imagine and finding the silver lining in all of it was becoming more and more difficult as the days passed. Even though physically I felt like I was deteriorating, emotionally I couldn’t have been happier, my heart belonged to a wonderful man who soon proposed to me in the most romantic way I could’ve ever dreamed of.

The year of wedding planning and grad school that was ahead of me was one of the toughest I’d ever had, but still not the worst yet. I still remember the week before my wedding, eating so little to hopefully avoid any problems, praying that my wedding day I could walk down the aisle pain free and if it wasn’t too much trouble maybe to enjoy my honeymoon pain free too. I think God heard those million or so prayers because some how, some way my wedding day and honeymoon were magical, pain free, truly the happiest days of my life. Sadly, that happiness couldn’t last forever and my newlywed months were my worst ever. I was trying desperately to survive the demands of my grad program and enjoy my life as a newlywed but I’ll never forget the pain that I felt everyday.

One day though the pain was gone. I started eating gluten free and my world transformed. I was able to finish up my Masters degree and publish my thesis in record time, travel with my husband just as we always wanted, and start our most exciting chapter yet.

Finally, then came my beautiful babies who made life so much more than what it ever was. Taking control away from gluten gave me my life back. I was able to have not just one but two amazing little girls. My pregnancies were tough for a couple reasons but worth every ounce of toughness. When I first went gluten free, my whole world was about the transformation, getting used to living without and just really living for the first time in so long. But after a few months of starting to really live again with my husband and then starting our adventure as parents, I realized that all of those years tainted by the gluten haze and my early gluten free life were just chapters in my story. Yes, being gluten free is who I am, it will always be a major focus of my life but there’s just so much to live for now, my husband, my girls, and me. I’ve never had so much joy in my entire life than what I’ve experienced the last few years and being gluten free has made that all possible. 




2 Comments on About Me

  1. Amber
    September 9, 2014 at 9:13 am (11 years ago)

    Hi 🙂
    Saw your post on Candice’s Blog “Embrace GFree” and had to stop by yours! I LOVE the idea of your blog, and although babies are not for me until far into the future, I think this is an awesome resource for many 😉 Kudos to your creativity and providing helpful information!

    • Lindsay
      September 9, 2014 at 9:55 am (11 years ago)

      Thanks so much! I hope so too! Feel free to share my blog, and make sure you check in for anything gluten free.


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