Clear your cabinets and make room for these soft and delectable gluten free sprinkle cookies!
Growing up, I remember making those occasional trips to Italian Peoples Bakery and our parents treating us to their perfect Italian cookies; my favorites of which were those brightly colored leaf cookies that are stuffed with chocolate fudge in the middle and the light and soft sprinkle cookies. They brought many smiles on Saturdays after dance class that’s for sure! As the years have passed, those trips dwindled down but I still remember the lightness of those cookies and how they literally melted in your mouth.
In my experience with gluten free baking, it’s rare to describe gluten free pastries as being light and soft, but in Katz’s case, these terms are used quite often. They’ve succeeded yet again in producing a fantastic sprinkle cookie that is sure to make any gluten free Italian or cookie lover happy! An added bonus about these cookies is that they’re also dairy and nut free as well, only containing soy and eggs. So, if you happen to have multiple food restrictions or allergies you might just be in luck!

On their website, these cookies sell for $5.19 for a 6 oz package. Their shelf life is 4 months, that’s right I said 4 months, not to say that I’m promising that they’ll make it that long on your shelf though. This extended shelf life is a fantastic perk with Katz products allowing you to buy in bulk either by the case or individually when they have one of their many promotions.

If you haven’t had Italian sprinkle cookies, these gluten free treats are also just like Luna Rosa’s which are those gourmet cookies that are adorned with chocolate sprinkles, multi-colored sprinkles, sandwiched with fudge or jelly, dusted with powder sugar, or dipped in chocolate. These are my mother’s favorite cookies that my dad surprises her with on special days like a birthday or holiday, but I always used to sneak one every now and then in my gluten days. Katz’s gluten free sprinkle cookies resemble the classics from my childhood perfectly with their extremely soft, melt in your mouth kind of texture and mildly sweet flavor with the extra touch from the sprinkles, which are those long, soft kind that are perfection.
These cookies are an amazing snack and a great alternative to your homemade standbys. There were many a pregnant day that I perused Katz’s website for a different baked good that I hadn’t had success in making gluten free for myself yet. When I came upon these sprinkle cookies, I was instantly thrown back into those fond days of being a kid and enjoying those gluten filled sweets. I couldn’t help but give them a try and thanks to Katz they certainly lived up to my memories, making me miss Italian Peoples or Luna Rosas a bit less. So treat yourself or your little one to one of Katz’s gourmet gluten free cookies which you can check out on their site here. As always, make sure you check into their promotions to try to save a bit!