Who would’ve thought that our years of enduring gluten free bagels that feel more like rolls or slices of very dense bread than actual bagels have come to an end. That’s right! We’ve entered a new phase in the gluten free world where everyday it seems that more and more delicious products are appearing from smaller, up and coming businesses rather than from the massive pioneers that led the gluten free industry. It’s so exciting to see these new brands appearing with their fresh and inspired gluten free lines. They’ve introduced so many new and tasty products that have either been your typical gluten free food falling short in flavor and feel categories or completely obsolete in a gluten free individual’s diet. Either way, I for one am so encouraged for the gluten free diner’s future, seeing all of the amazing new brands and tasting their fantastic additions to the gluten free shelves.
Not too long ago, I stumbled upon one of these newer brands thanks to the power of sharing on Twitter. Sweet Note Bakery is definitely named appropriately as their team is led by the sweetest of bakers who have kindly put together an amazing gluten free bagel that is free of gluten, dairy, egg, and soy! While you can certainly buy their product online, I wanted to snatch a bite as soon as possible. So I scoured the store locator and found them in one of my local allergy and healthy eating stores. Low and behold, the team from Sweet Note Bakery was hosting a tasting event at the store that upcoming weekend. It was a perfect opportunity to not only sample these delectable looking bagels but also meet the faces behind the potentially amazing product.

With my family in tow, we stopped into the event and met Brittany, one of the team members over at Sweet Note Bakery. I felt so comfortable sampling and purchasing their product, thanks to Brittany’s ability to answer the Gluten Free Mom To Be’s long list of questions. Her passion and belief in their product was contagious and we were soon hopping on the Sweet Note Bagel bandwagon too. One warm bite of sample bagel later and we were hooked. Both my husband and I were so impressed with their product, that we couldn’t help but purchase a few packages to keep enjoying at home.

I personally love plain, cinnamon raisin, and everything bagels, all of which are Sweet Note Bagel varieties. For about $7.99 at our local store you get a package of four which can be stored in the freezer until you’re ready to enjoy. After just 45-60 seconds of defrosting in the microwave, just slice your bagel and toast briefly and you’re ready to go. Once the bagel is toasted, add either a thin layer of low fat cream cheese or if you’re feeling a bit fancier try making a breakfast sandwich with the everything or plain, adding on scrambled egg, cheese, and bacon, yum! It is truly amazing how Sweet Note Bakery has created a gluten free bagel that tastes identical to a gluten filled version. They have a crispy crust on the outside and a chewy middle, just like the gluten filled ones I used to enjoy.
Size wise, they are about the same size of any other freezer bagel like Glutino gluten free bagels or even Lender’s regular bagels. Unfortunately, being that they are so delicious, I for one wish that they were bigger. They’re just that good! Who wouldn’t wish that one day we could grab a gluten free bagel that doesn’t necessarily fit in the palm of our hand. But hey, Sweet Note Bagels, while they are on the smaller side but are comparable to any other frozen bagel, are really just right and hit the spot every time!
Okay, so price wise, they are a bit pricey, however keep in mind these girls are a new business and need to start somewhere. Although I can’t afford these everyday, I certainly will continue to support them on occasion when I can (more often when I’m pregnant again for sure) and hopefully help them grow their business too. Everyday it seems, Sweet Note Bakery is sharing more and more locations that you can find their bagels; so hopefully one day in the near future, you’ll spot Sweet Note Bagels in your local grocery store at maybe a cheaper price too.
Grab a package of Sweet Note Bagels today! Their product is phenomenal and even makes you ask that question that you’re so used to asking in a bad way, “Are you sure this is gluten free?”. This time though when you’re asking that question, you’ll only be saying it because they taste that good, what a great feeling that is! So use Sweet Note Bakery’s store locator to see if you can grab some of these at a store near you. And if you can’t, no worries, just order some via their website! I highly recommend my three favorite varieties, cinnamon raisin, everything, and plain!