Vlog Book Reviews On Everything That I Love

Are You A Blogger Or Thinking About Starting A Blog? The Digital Mom Handbook Will Help You Get There!

After my road to motherhood had been a bit more difficult than we had thought, my husband and I decided that I’d stay home and be with our little one. While I’d gone to school for nearly 7 years and finished with advanced degrees in the sciences, my life had changed so much in the short time since then and so had I. Going through all of the health challenges that I had over the years and then the obstacles with the birth of my little girl, my dream of never leaving our children and raising them on my own had become more and more important to me. I thank God everyday that I’m able to live this life as a stay at home mom, a life that I couldn’t be more happy in.

But even though I stay home with my little girl and go by Mommy now, I still have career goals that just look a little bit different than they once used to. While being mom, I wanted to use the lessons and stories that I have from the obstacles that I’ve faced to help others. As I’ve experienced some rare and difficult situations over the years, the hardest part of each one was feeling alone. I wanted to be there for other people that may be feeling the same way that I once had. Hence this stay at home mommy started blogging. Blogging has been the perfect addition to my life and I can do it while being the mom that I always wanted. However, it’s been by no stretch easy and when I started blogging I had no idea that a resource like The Digital Mom Handbook existed. But now nine months later, I’ve found this fantastic book about blogging, written by mothers just like me. Audrey and Colleen share the importance of balancing being mom and blogging for yourself and your family and I just love this message is nestled within tons of priceless advice about the blogging world. Check out my video blog to learn more about The Digital Mom Handbook!

Blogging has become such a huge piece of my life and I can only dream about what the future holds for me and my family. This book will help guide me on the path ahead and I couldn’t be more grateful for it’s mommy authors, Audrey and Colleen, who have been so gracious to share their experiences and advice to help other mommy bloggers like me!




Fearing The Enterovirus: From One Mother To Another

Today I had planned on sharing another vlog on a blogging book that I’m loving right now but I thought today’s vlog could be dedicated to a health scare that has certainly scared this mom. Over the past month, news has really grown about the enterovirus and how it’s impacting children throughout the country. It seemed to slowly creep from the west coast to the east coast where I am and as it reached our town it did something that none of us thought it was able to do. Unexpectedly and without any warning, the enterovirus caused the death of a little preschooler who attended the preschool my nephew goes to. 

To see this virus come so close to us is terrifying and to see it claim the life of a little boy is heartbreaking. Just as there’s no vaccine to prevent this virus and no cure for it either, there unfortunately is no explanation as to why this virus is now potentially lethal. It’s a terrifying world that we live in where sending our children to school, running to the store, or having a play date could be risking the lives of our kids. So what do we do to protect them? Take a look at my vlog to see how we’re coping with the scariest cold/flu season that we’ve had to deal with as parents.

I know my family is overwhelmed with fear due to the proximity of this recent tragedy and is even more overwhelmed with how to protect our little girl. As mothers and parents we all posses the instinct to protect our families from anything and everything that can cause harm. I think that this is exactly why this is even more difficult to accept, that we’re unable to give medicines, vaccinate, and really protect our children from this virus. As a mom or mom-to-be, are you as overwhelmed with these feelings of fear and helplessness as I am? Feel free to share how you’re feeling on this health scare and what you’re doing to protect your family. 



Introducing the Gluten Free Mom To Be’s Video Blogs: BabyCakes Cover The Classics Cookbook!

Super exciting news today! I’m debuting my video blogs, something I’ve wanted to do for quite awhile since starting my blog. On here I’ll review gluten free cookbooks, books about pregnancy and gluten free living, products in both the gluten free and pregnancy world, and hopefully down the road some pregnancy updates for myself!

For my first post of my vlogs, I’m introducing the BabyCakes Covers The Classics cookbook. It’s definitely a winner with easy to repeat recipes with simple ingredients too! My kind of cookbook. Enjoy!

This is an exciting new chapter for my blog and I’m ecstatic that we’re starting it together!

