Anyone that has purchased area rugs knows that they can be enormously expensive. It’s a horrible process and I literally loathe the search, but it is a necessarily evil when you have hard wood floors throughout your house and little toddler/baby feet roaming everywhere. In the past we’ve had pretty good luck spotting decent deals on large area rugs at Home Depot or Lowes, with the only downside ever being that they have very few choices in store and you have to resort to crossing your fingers and hoping for the best ordering off their website. But it really has been just that, luck; it’s a hit or miss process and unfortunately at this time we were struggling to find a great deal for an 8 x 10 rug for my daughter’s new room.
As you probably have caught on to by now (check out my inspiration board for all of our ideas), our hope was to do a more neutral rug that could be versatile enough and last her through a couple of room colors/themes over the years. So to go with the lavender, aqua, and white color combination we’ve been leaning towards a gray rug. Little did we know that gray rugs are tremendously expensive, especially in 8 x 10 sizes. However, this bargain hunting mommy-to-be has been combing website after website and finally spotted a great deal on a quality area rug that not only fit the bill price wise but was the exact look and color we were after.

We ended up grabbing one of these soft and cozy Homespun Moroccan Trellis Rugs off of Rugs USA. I’m always a little hesitant ordering things online, especially things like rugs that you really want to see the color and feel the texture of before purchasing. Unfortunately, it seems like everything is online now so we kind of had to take a chance and hope for the best. I fell in love with the Moroccan pattern on the rug and just knew the simplicity of it and the neutral color option would be perfect in her new room. The only question we were left with was what color to actually go with. Thankfully, there were thousands of reviews that guided us away from the actual gray rug that had a bluish hew and to go with the tan rug that ended up looking more gray, yay for customer reviews!
Luckily we were able to take advantage of a winter sale and we ended up grabbing this rug for a fantastic price as far as 8 x 10s go not to mention we had a bonus of free shipping too! So after a little waiting our rug had arrived and little one helped mommy unwrap it to see what it looked like in person. Good choice going with the tan color and even better with the beautiful pattern which looks even more gorgeous in person. I even asked what little one thought and she very simply stated as she pitter pattered across “I like it” (she’s such a little person now!). The only downside is the stink; I’m very sensitive to any kind of smells, and what I’ve noticed with a couple of things that we’ve gotten shipped is that sometimes the packaging can have a really funky smell, as was the case with the rug. So we unrolled it in the spare room, aka little one’s future big girl room, and cracked a window and turned on the fan to air it out. It took a few days but the smell is gone and fits perfectly in the room!
As you can see, things are moving along in the transition to a big girl room, slowly but surely. All of the planning and purchasing is certainly getting us more and more excited for our new arrival. And as far as the actual baby that’s on its way, well we’ll be hearing he or she today at our 16 week appointment and I’ll finally be sharing my 16 week picture tomorrow! Lots of fun things going on over here so stay tuned!
Lindsay (16 weeks)