As our little girl’s new room begins to take shape, it’s beginning to feel so surreal that we’ll one day soon have two little ones running around together. Only last week we found out who our Baby #2 is and we couldn’t be more happy and excited to welcome he or she into our family and into this world. Curious who our little one might be? No worries, with Disney right around the corner I thought it would extra special to make our announcement then and there, so only a bit longer until the big reveal. Until then, I’ve added one more really fun feature to the big girl room that I think a certain somebody will really enjoy.

The past few weeks my little girl has really started to get into hide and seek and fort making. As a new two, we’re not the best at the hiding concept, usually revealing herself with a giggle or jumping out from a hiding spot, but loving the game just the same. I had thought about adding a little teepee or tent to her big girl room that could be her little nook for playing, hiding, or even taking a little nap if mommy gets lucky. It took awhile to find just the right one that I thought would suit her perfectly without breaking mommy and daddy’s budget but I’ve finally found it. I picked out this ceiling mounted lilac floral canopy that I thought would make a really fun space for our new hider that she could play with her stuffed friends and maybe mommy too. We were able to snatch one of these gorgeous canopies from RH Baby & Child during their amazing winter sale event while happily staying in budget. I can’t wait to see it all set up live and in person but just through the packaging I can tell that it’s going to be well loved.
Even though the future big girl room is right now just a storage space, come spring my little girl’s new room will take shape and we’ll be moving her in so we can tweak the nursery to be baby friendly once again. In the meantime, we’re letting her keep a few toys in there and play from time to time so she gets used to the idea that it’s hers. When it comes time for the big reveal I think our little girl will feel all of the love that went into her new room and hopefully feel just as special as we had hoped she would as she becomes a big sister.
Lindsay (19 weeks)